Due to the EVER Changing
game, the Armour pages may be out od date. If you find a problem, let me
know Here's is how some of the Armours (AC) is defined on other pages.
Okay, when you see 'AC : S50' this means S =
sharp, 50 is the % of the armour type and the number you get is how much dmg
it will deflect. Example. Armour Type: Armour, AC: S50. Armour
is maxxed at 200. 50% of 200 = 100. It will deflect AT BEST 100 points of
dmg. Why at best? Because theres a random number generator thrown in the
code to make the % fluctuate.
What does it mean when it says Armour
Type : armour, S20/30 ? This means that you get 20% + ( 0 - 30 )% addedd to
it, randomly.
Is there a MAX amount of AC a person can have? Yes, I don't
know what it is. What does this all mean? WEAR ALL THE ARMOUR YOU CAN.
Make sure to get it enchanted when it saves!!!!!
Steel Breastplate, Magnus Belt, Bronze Greaves
From Cliff Face:
n;sw;w;swim sea;e;e;ne;w;w;n;ne;e;e;e;e;n;e;e;e;
#WAIT 4000;e;e;e;s;e;e;d;s;se;sw;s;nw;nw;e;crevice;crevice;d;w;d;
#WAIT 4000;w;e;e;e;d;ne;n;d;s;s;w;w;s;s;s;s;w;stair;DO 'get sceptre'
Back to Cliff Face:
stair;e;n;n;n;n;e;e;n;portcullis;u;s;sw;u;w;u;crevice;u w;
#WAIT 4000;se;se;n;ne;nw;n;u;w;w;n;n;w;w;w;w;w;w;s;w;
#WAIT 4000;w;w;w;sw;s;e;e;sw;w;w;ripple;e;ne;s;s
Gnomish Boots and Goggles
From Cliff Face:
n;n;w;w;nw;nw;nw;nw;nw;nw;nw;nw;nw;sw;#WAIT 3000;sw;s;sw;s;sw;s;se;e;se
Back to Cliff Face:
nw;w;nw;n;ne;n;ne;n;ne;#WAIT 3000;ne;se;se;se;se;se;se;se;se;se;e;e;s;s
Eel Skin Belt, Sharkskin Bracers, Evergreen Sarong
From Cliff Face:
n;sw;w;swim sea;e;e;ne;w;w;n;ne;e;ne;n
Back to Cliff Face: